See description: Lin Wood: Was the 'vaccine' switched when Trump was deemed to have 'lost?'

3 years ago

From Lin Wood: 'As you know, I have a curious mind. Here I am on the road to Hinesville to support Kandiss Taylor for GA Governor and I can’t for the life of me turn off the curious switch on my mind...

I am curious about the following:

1. What were the ingredients in the Pfizer shots taken by President Trump? You know experts would determine the exact ingredients before allowing anyone to inject a substance into the body of the President of the United States. That would be Secret Service Protection 101.

2. Was the initial 'vaccine' under Operation WarpSpeed produced by the 3 pharmaceutical manufacturers little more than a flu shot? Even a flu shot has a certain number of complications...

3. Was the original 'vaccine' under Operation WarpSpeed switched out to the nefarious, deadly 'vaccine' by all 3 of the drug companies after the J&J 'pause?' Was the 'pause' a signal?

After the 'pause' in the counting of the votes on November 3, we had to let the criminal acts continue until the crime of treason was complete.

After the 'pause' in the administration of the J&J 'vaccine,' would we have to let the criminal acts continue until the crime of attempted genocide was complete?

I blame it on having a curious mind.'

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