Is Baptism Necessary For Salvation?

3 years ago

Does a person need to be baptized to receive salvation? Don't let yourself be deceived by the tricky arguments of false teachers. Let's take a look at what exactly is the path to salvation.

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Followers of Christ are instructed to take the essential step of baptism in the very first sermon recorded to the new church in Acts 2:38. The Church of God is also given the work of baptizing new believers.

Through baptism we make a public declaration of our intent to enter a covenant agreement with God. We agree to love and obey Him, while he agrees to apply Christ's death as the required payment for our sins committed. When followed with the receipt of the holy spirit through the laying on of hands you are placed on the road to receiving eternal life.

That eternal life is the free gift of God which you will receive in fullness when Christ returns if you endure unto the end.

The act of baptism is an important event on the path to eternal life. It is a sign that marks your day of decision. The day when you formally and publicly declare you are committed to walking the path that leads to eternal life Philippians 3:10-11.

The time to get started on this important redirection of your life is now.

Request a free copy of our free bible study guide "The Road To Eternal Life" available at this link

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