【Travel California / Nevada】Rhyolite - Ghost Town of Death Valley National Park in Nevada

3 years ago

This eerie Ghost Town has a story all it's own. From Death Valley to the Nevada Ghost Town of Rhyolite, we venture into the caverns of history. Rhyolite in early 1905 was a boom town for mining. Once the ore was discovered the town exploded from 300 miners in tents to over 3000 in a matter of weeks. Money was the final motivator for these desperate souls. Many settled in Rhyolite, which lay in a sheltered desert basin near the region's biggest producer, the Montgomery Shoshone Mine. For a short period of time there was a railroad connected to this town and even electricity. But as quick as the town boomed it went bust, almost all the local miners vanished to other boomtown and only a few lived the rest of their desolate lives in this once thriving community. By the end of 1910, the mine was operating at a loss, and it closed in 1911. By this time, many out-of-work miners had moved elsewhere, and Rhyolite's population dropped well below 1,000. By 1920, it was close to zero.

We visited a cool open air museum and explored the backroads and trails in our Jeep rental. Join us as the adventure continues.

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