Sunday Worship Service - October 3, 2021

3 years ago

10/3/2021 Sunday Worship Service
Rev. Dr. Kenneth Moore
Pastor of Morgan's Chapel United Methodist Church

Link to this week's Bulletin:!AnQ_mYuQvb4LryjKCKFLV7vc6bpj?e=uBGEqM

Link to this week's Prayer List:!AnQ_mYuQvb4LrynJlgfk3fTMjPoS?e=FrNnC1

Link to Church Directory:

CCLI 20218880
CCLI 11138946

Music for Gathering Mary Louise Baker
Announcements Lee Kibler
Pledge of Allegiance Christian & American Flags

Prelude Phil Guinn and Mary Louise Baker
Call to Worship Dr. Ken Moore

Hymn (see back of prayer list) "Down at the Cross"

Affirmation of Faith Apostles' Creed, Page 881
Gloria Patri Page 70

Pastoral Prayer & Lord's Prayer Dr. Ken Moore

Hymn #133 "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms"

Sermon Dr. Ken Moore
"Delebrating the Lord's Table" 1 Corinthians 11:23-28

Closing Hymn #622 "There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood"

Dismissal with Blessing Dr. Ken Moore
Postlude Mary Louise Baker

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