“How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies” by Will Witt— the book review

3 years ago

I’ve always admired not only what Will Witt does, but how he does it. He pounds the pavement to “uncover perspectives on life, relationship and politics,” by asking people deceivingly simple questions, The people he has dialogue with come from all walks of life and have all kinds of viewpoints, but oftentimes are young people. With microphone in hand, Witt really wants to know what they think.

Will Witt’s short conversations dubbed “Man on the Street,” are documented on video and continue to be viewed by multitudes. They’re free to watch on the PragerU YouTube channel and on prageru.com.

Author Will Witt is a contemporary phenomenon

Will Witt’s boss is Dennis Prager, the renowned author and radio personality and founder of PragerU. Prager remarked, “When I travel around America giving lectures, one of the most frequent questions young people ask me is, ‘Do you know Will?’ Will Witt is a contemporary phenomenon—a largely self-educated man who has become a major thought leader.”

Each of Witt’s videos are based on a question. Examples include “What is a Woman?” and “Do You Support the USA in the Olympics?” They are entertaining and always thought-provoking. Sometimes they’re downright funny.

At the center of these pedestrian chats is Will Witt, the man. You couldn’t pick a better guy to do this. Witt is cordial, respectful, just a bit soft-spoken and a great listener. He never argues with someone or belittles their opinion.

How to Win Friends and Influence People is rooted in his dialogues

You couldn’t put a price on the perspectives one would gain from connecting one-on-one with so many people. If you have seen his video series or had the opportunity to hear him speak publicly, you’d probably get enjoyment from his new book. How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies: Taking on Liberal Arguments with Logic and Humor from Center Street, an imprint of Hatchette Book Group is a straightforward book about difficult political questions. Many of these issues are the definition of controversial.

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