The Path To Freedom Part 06 - Declaring Our Independence from Tyrannical Government

3 years ago

In Part 6 of this series on forging a path to complete freedom for all of humanity, I go over the NEW Declaration of Independence and actually READ the document in full for all those who for some reason, don't or can't be bothered to read anything longer than a meme or short paragraph anymore. One of the greatest hurdles we must overcome if we ever hope to be truly free from oppression is the apathy of the populations. We must seek knowledge to earn our way out of this human tax farm plantation. All of my work is an extreme short cut to acquiring the necessary knowledge to free not only ourselves, but everyone else so that we may begin to create a better world.

The new Declaration of Independence is written with the original as a template. Much of the verbiage is identical on purpose and the remainder has been updated for the world as it is in 2021. This, along with the new proposed Constitution for a Natural Law Republic and the contractual checks and balances system which ensures individual Sovereignty for all are the founding documents of an entirely new system of societal management that truly gives all power BACK to the People!!

Links to download the documentation:

First podcast interview talking about this solution available here:

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