The book of Genesis Chapter 9 - 10 KJV Audio Bible verse

3 years ago

The book of Genesis Chapter 9 10 KJV Audio Bible verse
Genesis Chapter 9 covers the events that took place after Noah and his family survived the floods meant to wipe out the wicked people of earth. It also includes God’s promise to Noah that He would never flood the earth again.

When the flood subsided, Noah and his family left the ark with God’s blessing. He instructed them to be fruitful and multiply to replenish the earth. He also gave them dominion over every beast of the earth including birds and fish. However, God commanded Noah never to ingest animal blood, or to shed the blood of another man.

After Noah and his family had departed from the ark, God promised that he would never unleash a flood that would destroy the earth again. He caused a rainbow to appear in the sky alongside the rains as a reminder of the covenant that he had made with Noah.

Genesis 10 explains the origin of our nations. It is a comprehensive narrative of how Noah’s family increased after the catastrophic flood. After Noah and his family settled themselves, his three sons sought out to accomplish what God instructed them to do when he handed down the ark covenant: peopling the world.

The second verse of chapter 10 discusses Japheth’s family, which consisted of seven children: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Tubal, Javan, Tiras and Meshech. It is believed that Japheth’s people inhabited mainly coastal areas around the Palestinian coastline. They are the descendents of the people of today’s modern Greece. Ham fathered many sons. Nimrod was his most outstanding son, a mighty warrior who lived in Canaan, Philistine, and Assyria. These people were the family of Noah, nations spreading all over the known Earth after the flood.

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