What is NEM (XEM)? | NEM Crypto Explained in Under 60 Seconds

3 years ago

NEM (New Economy Movement) is an ecosystem of platforms that provide industry & individual solutions (such as third-party application integration) using cryptography & blockchain technology.

NEM Coin (XEM) is the decentralized, native cryptocurrency that powers the NEM NIS1 public blockchain. Used to pay for node transaction fee rewards.

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NEM NIS1 - NEM NIS1 is the original blockchain platform created as a ‘developer’s sandbox’ that offers customizable & flexible solutions. NIS1 has had zero downtown or major chain hacks.

The NIS1 blockchain is secured by it’s proof-of-importance (PoI) algorithm. Anyone can run a node on the network to process transactions, & earn fees based on their importance score.

Symbol is a secure value exchange network that connects business, developers & individuals to reduce costs and provide enterprise grade blockchain solutions.

NEM Ventures specializes in venture capital and high tech investments. Growth of the NEM ecosystem is promoted through strategic project investments.

WEBSITE: https://nem.io/

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