What is Sophianic Animism?

3 years ago

A couple of years ago, some students asked me to write a 500-word description of Sophianic Animism.
I then recorded it and it was put into this video montage.
I offer this upload as a preview to material soon to be released for free to Visitors on Nemeta.org.
Sophianic Animism is registered with the legal status of a religion in the USA.
It is the form of Planetary Tantra designed for those who are not disposed to learn the technical aspects and advanced techniques of that discipline. Thus it is fondly known as "PT Lite."

Explore the Modern Mystery School: https://nemeta.org/
Subscribe free to the nine Episodes of the Fallen Goddess Scenario: https://sophianicmyth.org/
Order Not in His Image from publisher: https://www.chelseagreen.com/writer/john-lamb-lash/

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