In life, sometimes you need to change course before you run into something

3 years ago

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We aren't selling anything here but if you could help us by hitting the like and subscribe buttons and sharing these videos. All we can do is try to spread the Gospel and leave the rest up to the Lord.

On this channel, we will share the stories that you will remember forever – stories, that will not only transform your heart but will move you to tell them to friends and family for the rest of your life.

Topics include spiritual wisdom, marriage, parenting, social and cultural issues.

New videos are uploaded everyday but Wednesdays and Sundays.

Father Pfeiffer was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1963 after graduating with 5 Masters degrees from Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia. In 1976 he married Cynthia and together they raised 6 kids. In 1981 they started Mary's Field, a non-profit organization to help battered wives and pregnant teenagers. In 1995 they bought a 20 acre property for hosting retreats for AA and numerous other religious and social organizations. He spent 30 years teaching Latin and is now semi-retired. He says mass every Sunday morning, continues to do some counseling, in addition to writing a monthly newsletter, babysitting a few days a week for his two grand kids and raising 27 white ducks for eggs.

Every Sunday my dad says mass. After each homily he ends with a call for "questions, comments or observations." This, among other things, makes for good discussions and reflections about the Sunday readings, and mass with my father as the celebrant something unique.

So I will conclude with the same - "Questions, comments, observations?"

Song; Magh Seola
Keith Lockhart

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