What is Kusama (KSM)? | Kusama Crypto Explained in Under 60 Seconds

3 years ago

Kusama (KSM) is a scalable, multichain platform that allows users to develop and launch their own specialized blockchains. Developers can build on Kusama before deploying on Polkadot.

The Kusama network is powered by the Kusama token (KSM). Used for network validation, nominations, bonding parachains or parathreads, and governance.

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Built by the teams that created Polkadot, developers can use Kusama to deploy projects fast, and test the latest tech before moving to the Polkadot platform.

Parachains are layer-1 blockchains that run parallel to the Relay Chain. This allows for parallel transaction processing to increase the scalability of the Kusama multi-chain architecture.

With cross-chain composability, any type of data or asset can be sent between parachains, providing users with a range of new capabilities for application development.

Kusama is built on Substrate, which is a blockchain building kit that allows developers to quickly & easily build app-specific blockchains (parachains) that connect to Kusama.

WEBSITE: https://kusama.network/

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