Dr. Carrie Madej- Internal Medicine Specialist reports on vials of Vaccine examined by US Lab

3 years ago

More disturbing news while Dr. Carrie Madej who has been at the forefront of this battle since early on into the Bioweapon attack brings new information to light about the SHIT that is being injected into people... INCLUDING the Johnson and Johnson which was not supposed to be the same technology as the other manufacturers but is proving to be worse after initial reports of many clotting episodes.
These slides of the "Vaccine" under the microscope will make your skin crawl.. yet the lambs run to the trough day in and day out to be fed by the sick globalist pharma tyranny attack on humanity! GROW A SET PEOPLE!! And I don't mean another set of ears in the middle of your forehead via the JAB!!

Share share share with family and friends to STOP more carnage of our loved ones from occurring. The forecast for survival is GRIM. The 1st and 2nd year will likely take many but then taper off. But the BOOSTER is NOT an OPTION!! You have learned enough now to KNOW!! IT WILL BE THE KILLSHOT!! However there are protocols out there that will help those who caved into this SCAM. Research them and find out what you can do to help your loved ones be safe. Vitamin C and D and Zinc. Also look into www.zstackprotocol.com

Oh and BTW- Joe Biden took his PHONY Booster shot exactly 666 days after they announced the discovery of the COVID 19 Virus in the Wuhan Labs. As you all know.... SATANISTS flaunt their evil and it is forbidden to hide their agenda according to their faith. Hell they had a practice run of this whole PLANDEMIC called EVENT 201 out in plain view, yet the sheep just keep rolling up their sleeves?? ARE YA GETTIN' IT YET??


#plandemic #FJB #savethechildren #NWO #fallcaball #wwg1wga #fightback #justsayno

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