2021 SEP 29 A Catastrophe Emerging it is the vaxxed in NSW and VIC in hospital with CoV19 and Dying

3 years ago

BREAKING NEWS: There is a catastrophe emerging amongst the vaccinated. Health Officers from New South Wales and Victoria are reporting the unthinkable.

What is emerging in NSW / VIC is consistent with global trends and inline with Israel one of the two most vaccinated Nations at the level of 86% vaxxed and Israel is still experiencing Surges in COVID-19 and it’s not the unvaxxed filling the Beds in hospital. No Israel has been experiencing 85% of covid patients being hospitalised are fully vaccinated people.

NSW/VIC have similar trend being revealed; VIC has a slight variation only 18% of its population is vaccinated yet its trend is the same mostly the vaccinated needing to be hospitalised and or dying with COVID-19

Additionally, the Victorian health officer may have got it wrong, however the percentages in Victoria of those double jabbed are only 18%.

Vaccinated people are going to hospital and dying in greater numbers.


Its appearing that which was decried, as conspiracy rubbish is now the facts! Many mainstream media pseudo journalists (paid political hacks) and Fakebook Fact Checkers need to be served up a Large Wake-up Call!

ORIGINAL SOURCE: World Series News Underground TV: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=193502026224579&ref=sharing

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