Exposing Covid FRAUD

3 years ago

This Video was originally posted to Bitchute 14 Months Ago...
All unfortunately remains relevant.
Share as often as possible!

This video is to assist in combating Medical FRAUD and eliminate Mandates via Sheriff Nullification.

• What To Do:

1. Copy and paste entire letter between the asterisks to your favorite text edit app.
2. Customize letter to your liking and locality.
3. Find Your State Health Code: https://law.justia.com/codes/states.html
4. Amend the Subsection Code number and State at end of 4th paragraph, "Definition of State of Emergency"
5. Mail or Email to both your county sheriff, and local and state health officer.

(Summons to Duty Letter)

Respected Sheriff and Public Health Officials.

Our activists have compiled a detailed expose' of the Covid-19 FRAUD. It is presented in a series of videos. At the end of this letter is a link to a brief compilation of those videos clearly revealing the FRAUD in a few short minutes. Please watch it as supporting evidence before continuing.

Our activists have been successful in legally and peacefully removing 7 public health officials and having others REWORD their despotic "Mandates" from "Ordered" to "Highly Recommended", at the very least.

In light of The Novel Corona Virus being daily proved more solidly to be no worse than the common flu, the continuation of the absurd measures of social distancing, masks, and business closures, which were based upon NO peer reviewed and independently replicated study, and which has caused far more harm than good, will be viewed as abuse of powers, and unfitness for duty, should they continue any longer.

Should The Honorable Health Officer disagree, please display publicly the peer reviewed and independently replicated Studies supporting all such decisions. As you are aware, any study that is not independently replicated is NOT Science. Also, the CDC numbers are absurdly inflated by their own admission on the provisional data sheet and recorded in public news casts, so please refrain from using such unscientific collection of fraudulent numbers, to unwarrantedly declare a state of emergency outside the scope of its definition and requirements as per section 31-9-3 of the AL State Code.

The righteous defenders of true liberty, our highly respected Noble Sheriffs, are reminded of their grand sovereign power of NULLIFICATION of any unjust or unconstitutional action by any branch of government attempting to affect his/her territory. We strongly encourage the sheriffs to nullify these despotic and outrageous mandates put in place by individuals who are knowingly or unknowingly destroying the United States and its people economically, socially, and psychologically, over a Flu. The Insanity Must stop and it is in the Noble Sheriffs Hands to take the first major step forward in doing so.

At this point, these unscientific actions are being viewed by our organization and many others as an intentional attack upon the United States based upon a titanic FRAUD. We are gathering evidence on a daily basis and intend to bring to the most severe justice all involved. We are compiling class action lawsuits based on information gathered by hundreds of volunteers and liberty establishments nationwide. Their formulation will be slow, but their retribution will be certain.

Therefore, Honorable Health Officer, revoke or reword all of your issuances pertaining to COVID-19 in this light. Lest it be nullified by the Noble Sheriff of each jurisdiction. Else the people shall exercise their sovereign authority over the congress and the courts and nullify them in spite of you, and proceed in haste with your removal.

With Sincere Conviction,

State Anti-Corruption Coalition


- COVID-19 FRAUD Overview
("Guidance for Health Officials to Avoid Sheriff Nullification"):

- Sheriff Nullification Powers

- Sheriff Mack's message to fellow Sheriffs on how they equal the power of the governor in their county:

- "Powers of the County Sheriff" Tools for Sheriffs:

• Guidance for Rewording Attempted Decrees:

"Surgeon General has stated that FACE COVERINGS MAY INCREASE RISK ... "
"Mask manufacturing companies state on their packages that their MASKS ARE NOT EFFECTIVE AGAINST CORONA VIRUS..."
"Asymptomatic Individuals should wear coverings IF THEY FEEL COMFORTABLE DOING SO..."
"Symptomatic Individuals Should CHOOSE TO WEAR A CLOTH FACE COVERING when they must be in public for essential activities, such as shopping at the grocery store..."
"Businesses owners who fear illness for themselves and or their customers may choose to close at their discretion"
"Persons who feel it is dangerous to go to a particular place, should not go there"
"Persons who feel in constant danger of getting ill should seek a psychologist"

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