Awake will Expose Hidden knowledge - Beyond- Before-EARTH .

3 years ago

Continuous protection of Humanity 49.27n 11.5e
Expose hidden knowledge to all citizens
Advancement imperative for planetary survival
Beware of Orion 1350.3 and Z Reticul 39.1 70
Z1Y6A7R9 DRACONIAN ...continued to speak both telepathically and with further information to the attendance. All were in complete focus and understanding as downloads are ongoingon ALL CHANNELs !!!!!!!!!
----------- On Mars the Cydonia culture was focused upon but one of the main areas of interest is the watchers on what is called Antartica on Earth. Before the times of the Pleiadians before the LyRAhnS, before us all the Giants of the other times were here millions of light years in the passing. They are still upon earth and it is these masters that are part of the greater story. At 13 million cycles
From Atla near Alcyone in the Pleiadies the story of Atlantis begins Eons ago. It was time of feminine spirits, the sisters came to become. It this far space and time, remember the clues and keys. This planet was born into existence like a home for a beautiful race of beings desiring to expand and devote their energy to gender and the male female biological design of humans on earth. The reason is they wished to understand and develop the magnetism of energy in motion, emotion to expand upon the culture to assist in the evolving process, like unto parenting children to higher levels of maturity. From a mature culture the Altans, Nordics, Pleiadians became part of earth approx 500,00 years until 12,000 ago - relative to their time space key with Atlantis. The history of the earth is millions upon billions of years of transformative changes like all planets in the universes. These are like homes for a race of being. Earth on one level it is a home, one of many, for humans. It is extremely important for those awake to awake further and move into non linear quantum consciousness and think faster, stronger, deeper, clearer. Because your energy cord is getting pushed with more volts, pressure, power and more watts too intensity, vibration, pulsation, gender. It is in the magnetic power with the electromagnetic vibration and when it induces sound as it always must there is harmony and when resonance is reached these you are a master of sound and light. Yet upon the path you must know there are blocks and difficulties as a biological being with a transcendental soul. What can happen and has is those who are stupid, for lack of a better term, lose the essence of the soul, the spark that has been created from love which is the magic of life that brings sentience and a new being into existence. Yes children, you are new beings, you remember things but you are new. You may become old and lose the path and die on this planet yet you must remember who you are to keep your soul. The first truth is trust. You must Trust. Trust the Journey - Vagus

human trafficking, weapons trade, George Soros, Clinton Foundation, main stream media, Bigpharma, Google, Apple, Amazon, Reddit and any company where you have been guilty of making the payment (accountants) anywhere in the world that can and was recorded then you should seriously consider finding a media outlet and offer yourself over under the protection as a whistleblower. Its safer for you than anything else as this is a world wide sweep and its underway. Depending on the seriousness of your previous actions you may be able to serve the good and end the evil you have witnessed and been a part of. For those who are free of real guilt and shame you must be strong and become witnesses and be able to strong in the face of lies, evil and sickness. If you do not fix your Country it makes it worse for all of us. I have roughly 5,000 friends here I chose since dec 2018. --account gone00 - this one NEW --- 2021-- You are from every country in the world and no one here is special or a celebrity. We are all just people, arabs, afgans, germans, russians, georgians, egyptians, enlglish, french, swedish, iranian, persian, chinese, japanese, vietnamese, Australian, Kiwi's, Hawaiians, Americans, Canadians, Inuit, Navajo, Korean and every other country. If you know something its time to help and also we all be rewarded

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