This is one Way to Attain Inner Peace and Outer Peace

3 years ago

Thoughts to Consider - Outer Peace

Are you someone with inner and outer peace? I believe when we have inner peace, we show it on the outside. The easiest way to see peace in someone is to look at their face.

Try to see how comfortable the person is in their own skin. Too many of us live with discomfort and it shows in our words, actions, and thoughts.

People who have inner peace walk, talk, and act differently. When you have outer peace, this peace will reflect your beliefs, the words you use, and the thoughts you entertain.

Inner peace allows you to smile when you walk. A smile so big that when you talk or sit, people notice. Do not allow the negative things happening around you affect how you are and who you are.

You dust the dirt off your shoulders and know that you will face challenges but you use the peace inside of you to fight your battles. You do not fight the continuous battle that want to rage on in your mind.

Use mediation as a tool to find peace in your life. Use it to understand who you are, who you want to be, and how to achieve this goal.

Meditation is the clearing of the mind so you can attract a part of yourself that you are not connecting to.

When you and I smile we allow our bodies to produce positive endorphins that uplift our mood. You and I need these endorphins to enjoy a positive mood each and every day.

Sitting in the sun can produce and increase these endorphins to create inner peace. After reading this go stand in the sun for 1 minute. You will notice your whole physiology change.

Once you have peace on the inside, it creates outer peace. The loop will continue as you feed positive to your mind, body, and soul.

The mind and soul are in your body. If they are positive and happy, you will radiate the same feelings. If it is negative your mood, actions, and thoughts reflect it.

You must watch out for negative people, situations, and news. These things try to affect your inner peace, your speech, and the way you carry yourself.

If you lose your internal peace it will show and people possibly want to create space between you and themselves.

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