How effective are generic prayers against curses? WWY Q&A 12

3 years ago

Ok. Let's be honest. There are two different questions being asked here but Noe with Walk with Yah (WWY) believes he can pull this off. You be the judge.

1. Are curses a thing really? Galatians 3:13 Messiah/Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Torah/law, having become a curse for us. If curses can't exist then, why would there be any deliverance ministries at all? Watch as Noe goes a bit deeper into this misinterpretation.

2. The other point has to do with generic prayers? Some may believe that you say some quick renunciation prayers and *Poof* all is well. I really really wish it were that easy. Deliverance is a lifestyle - not an event. But why do I say that?

Want to know more? Then click on the video to watch. ;-)

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