Awakening from Global Hypnosis: How do we break the spell?

3 years ago

Susan Pitcairn joins others in asking, how did we get to this point of increasingly totalitarian and unreasonable responses to a virus with a lethality that has not even budged global all-cause mortality. Clearly, more is going on, yet when we try to talk about it, many friends and family turn away. Censorship is rampant and medical apartheid threatens to become a way of life for those who choose not to take the dangerous injections that have caused many problems.
She summarizes an excellent longer video interview with Belgian psychologist Mattias Desmet who has made a special study of Mass Formations, a type of societal hypnosis that sets the stage for totalitarianism. (on youtube at:

Lack of social connectedness and purpose, widespread anxiety and frustration: these are the breeding grounds that make us susceptible to simplistic identified issues and solutions, even if they endanger liberties and lives in the process. Desmet explains why many buy into irrational narratives and demonize dissidents, finding a perverse comfort in the simplistic formulas offered by power hungry leaders. Fortunately, however, history shows us that such movements end inevitably as the narrative crumbles on its own weight.
Pitcairn goes on to point out how the root issue of all the issues Desmet clarifies really comes down to our connectedness (or unconnectedness) to our spiritual essence, and therein lie the lasting solutions to the crisis we now face.

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