What is District0x (DNT)? | Disctrict0x DNT Explained in Under 60 Seconds

3 years ago

What is District0x (DNT)? The District0x Network is network that facilitates the operation of decentralized marketplaces & communities called districts. District0x Token (DNT) is an Ethereum token that powers the Destrict0x network. Allows anyone to join, contribute to and help govern any district.

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Anyone can deploy districts to the network anytime. Core functionalities include:
Posting & Listing, Search & Filtering, Ranking & Reputation, Payments & Invoicing.

The d0xINFRA Framework is a stack of Ethereum smart contracts that provide districts with core functionalities that are necessary to operate an online marketplace or community. Auxiliary Modules allows for the development of new features, functionality, and revenue generating mechanisms to districts.

Aragon is a new platform for the deployment of virtual entities. Each district will establish an accompanying entity on Aragon where governance will be executed.

WEBSITE: https://district0x.io/

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