Near-Death Experience - Father Peter McGrath - Girl Dies, Receives Instructions From Dead Mother

3 years ago


"I can remember one occasion with a little girl. Her parents had been drowned and her brother had been drowned. It's an extraordinary story . . . When she was resuscitated, she told the nurses and told us that she went into a garden while she was unconscious. She was greeted and looked after by a very kind man who took her to her mother and father, who took her to her little brother who she was worried about. He introduced her to people who were her grandparents whom she had never seen. And the mother told her where to find certain articles and papers when she returned home so she would be OK. She then came back home and found the articles. It appears that not only had she never met her grandparents, but she knew facts about her grandparents that there is no way she could have known. She was most serene, with great hope, at the funeral . . . It's that sort of experiences that change people's lives and make them happier and more secure even to the point where they no longer fear death."

This story from Father Peter McGrath comes from a documentary that features early near-death experience accounts. It includes comments from Vi Horton, Paul Swain, Jan Kingsbury, Barry Otto, Dr. Raymond Moody, Father Peter McGrath, and Dr. John Vinen. You can watch the original video here:


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