What is CELO (CGLD)? | CELO Crypto Explained in Under 60 Seconds

3 years ago

The Celo Platform is an open-source platform that allows anyone to access financial tools by creating a global payments infrastructure built for mobile. CELO Token (CGLD) is the core utility and governance asset for the Celo platform with a fixed supply and variable value.

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The Celo protocol enables the creation of stabilized value digital assets which track the value of existing real-world assets, such as currencies & commodities. The Celo Stability Mechanism is a protocol designed to maintain a stable value for each tracked asset by adjusting its supply to match demand.

cUSD (Celo Dollars) is the first stable-value ERC-20 token on the Celo protocol designed to track the value of the US Dollar.

The Celo Stack is a complete stack of new blockchain software, core libraries that run on that blockchain, and end user applications including a Wallet app that communicate with that logic.

WEBSITE: https://celo.org/

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