What is BENQI (QI)? | BENQI Crypto Explained in Under 60 Seconds

3 years ago

BENQI Protocol - BENQI crypto is a decentralized non-custodial liquidity market protocol that allows users to lend, borrow and earn interest on digital assets.

BENQI (QI) Token - The BENQI ecosystem is powered by its native token QI. Used for user balance representation, earning yield, trading, and protocol governance.

▶ Search All Crypto Tokens (Name or Symbol) http://cryptodefirevolution.com/

Avalanche DeFi - BENQI is the first DeFi project on the Avalanche platform, providing users with a scalable, high-speed smart contract network with low fees.

Supply (Deposit) - Supply (deposited digital assets) provided on BENQI earn continuous interest which adjusts based on market conditions. Users can supply or withdraw liquidity any time.

Borrow - After an accepted digital asset (cryptocurrency) has been supplied to BENQI, deposited assets can then be used as collateral to borrow other assets. Working capital (liquidity) is provided without having to sell the current asset.

Health - Health is a numeric representation of how safe a loan is. Lower values indicate higher risk of liquidation, which occurs when a borrower’s health drops below 1. This indicates the borrower’s collateral does not cover the loan value.

WEBSITE: https://benqi.fi/

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