~A~SepTeMbeR~2~ReMeMber with special Guest: Teodrose Fikremariam

3 years ago

Exerpt from one of three articles featured in this video: "Two days ago, I updated a running chronicle where I detail a potential for a terror attack based on a “security and safety” alert that the Department of Homeland Security issued last Friday. This bulletin was so alarming that it caused the Marine Corps Marathon—one of the largest DoD-related events in the DC metro area—to be canceled at the eleventh hour less than 10 days before it was set to kickoff. In the update, I included the excerpt I shared with Scheller without thinking through the ramifications.

The very next day, Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller was placed under arrest. They never stated why he was arrested but I have a suspicion that his arrest was directly related to the quote I shared with him that I included in the terror chronicle. Nearly 20 years ago, the Patriot Act enabled our government to intrude into our personal lives and scan our lives in ways that Orwell could have never imagine. Every bit of information that we share via the internet and phone conversation is stored in huge vaults to be accessed later on as needed. If someone crosses the wrong people, every aspect of their lives from shopping patterns, dirty secrets and financial decisions can be pored over in order to find damaging information that can be weaponized to discredit and destroy them."

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