SHOCKING URGENT NEWS - SHARE WIDELY - Dr Vernon Coleman Sept 24, 2021

3 years ago

Time is running out fast.

Spread the word. Share Dr. Vernon's videos. Share the free books and articles on his websites.
Follow his official video channel

I have been following Dr. Vernon Coleman for over 40 years. He is a shining beacon of truth and knowledge in a field of sheep. Please watch and share his videos -

Sunday Times bestselling author Vernon Coleman has written over 100 books which have sold over two million copies in the UK alone.

Like all qualified medical doctors who have told the truth about covid-19, Dr Vernon Coleman has been repeatedly lied about and libelled on the internet and in the mainstream media. In March 2020, after studying the covid death figures and comparing the death statistics in the UK to that of previous years, Dr Coleman said that the threat of covid-19 had been wildly exaggerated and that there was no pandemic. In that first video, he warned that the pandemic fraud (or hoax) would result in the deaths of many old people (which it did), the introduction of mandatory vaccinations (which appears to be happening) and the disappearance of cash (now a serious threat). As a result of his video, his Wikipedia page was deliberately and dramatically changed by government employees and used to 'monster' him. All his lifetime achievements were removed. Without any evidence or justification he was, among other things, labelled a 'conspiracy theorist' and said to be 'widely discredited'. Google, which works with Wikipedia, reproduced the lies in an attempt to discredit him, so that nobody would believe his warnings. Biographies on include references.

Time is running out fast.

Spread the word. Share my videos. Share the free books and articles on my websites.

I have designed a ‘business card’ type handout to all people that are giving the jab. “If you have any concerns about what you are doing, remember that when the Nuremburg Trials come, all the shot-givers will be found guilty. The people on top always get away, and the people who are ‘just following orders’ are convicted” QR codes on the back to Global Covid Summit (10,000 health professionals calling for trials) and Stop World Control – a great site with lots of info.
Hand it to them and say “God help you” and walk away.
If we all did that maybe we could force them to think for themselves.
DOWNLOAD the pdf files for the cards here – (no puppies, just misdirection)

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