STOP VACCINE MANDATES- The Civil Rights Fight of Our Time.

3 years ago

We will hear from an incredible lineup of speakers and an extended Q & A with expert panel.
Medical Freedom: The Civil Rights Fight of Our Time.
Biden's Mandates get more pointless every day. What he has managed to achieve is dissension, confusion, lawsuits and worker shortages.

Biden's mandates, as well as those issued by state and corporations, have sparked a raft of lawsuits. Federal workers, contractors, American Postal Workers Union, health care workers, firefighters, police officers, United Airlines employees and more have filed suit against the U.S. government and company's vaccine mandates.

So we ask, what is the point of all this? Is it to protect the vaccinated, the people Biden himself says are well protected by the experimental injection? Or is there something more going on? Is this an exercise of government control? If the public can be convinced to follow government overreach orders here, what else can be declared a " public health emergency?

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