The Church An Extension of Jesus Through Space and Time III

3 years ago

The Church had a Christian identity evidenced by the Church Fathers’ writings. Three elements are directly formative of a Christian identity: Rule (canon) of faith, universal message for all people, and its ecclesial. Sacred Scripture is not one of the three at the beginning. Canon not fixed at this time.

The rule itself has three parts: it is Christocentric, Trinitarian, and ecclesial. Clement of Rome 90 AD, Ignatius of Antioch108 AD, and Polycarp 150AD make mention of this rule of faith. This rule stands behind their teachings. Creed.

Judaism impacted the developing Christian community with its ethical monotheism, Mosaic Law, Worship, and the sacred writings both the Septuagint and original Hebrew texts. The Church Fathers do not quote the New Testament because it had not been codified and in some cases written, i.e. Paul. These brilliant men use the Old Testament to prove their points. Ignatius of Antioch in his battle against Docetism (dokeo seem) that Jesus was truly a man and not just seems. Ignatius uses the Old Testament narrative of Jesus’ human lineage to show his true humanity. Already the sensum fides is expressed, that which is not assumed is not saved. If Jesus only seemed to be a man, then he did not really suffer as a man, and he did not really redeem man. The Incarnation would be directly undermined.

Ignatius saw his death as a uniting in the Lord’s death, and by extension, uniting in the Love Feast, the Eucharist. The Love Feast was not a metaphor or phantom expression of Christ.

Marcion 135 AD by teaching on radically separating the god of justice (OT) and a god of love (NT) radical dualism within Gnosticism, spurred the Church onto establishing the Canon of SS.

By the third century most theologians and Church leaders agreed on the essential composition of the canon. In Rome AD 382 Pope Damasus and the Bishops established the canon of the Bible. The Pope then directed that the Bible be translated into Latin, the language of the people. This canon was subsequently endorsed by numerous local Christian councils and reaffirmed by the Ecumenical Council of Trent (1546) and the First Ecumenical Council of the Vatican (1870). (Cf. CCC 131-133)

Decree of the Council of Rome (AD 382) on the Canon of Scripture during the reign of Pope Damasus I (AD 366-384).

First ecclesiastical decree on the Church’s canonical books of the Sacred Scriptures.

Papal decree (councils were much later) ordered that what we call the Bible.

Edit of Milan, hefty body of thought and set text, culture emerges.

Nobody things of basements and foundations presumed. Go back to first things, doesn’t know principles, can’t know one is to go.

Volcanoes erupts, covers up civilization, new generation unearth, and learn. Whole of 20th century volcanic covering of our heritage. People see a world desperate for ritual and liturgy. Masks give a common ritual that ties them together, outward sign of presumed unity. Everyone do something implied goodness. Hungry for connections will take facsimile connections.

Consolation of the family, rediscover what is good, bring them to a culture desirous of it.

Benedictine Monks Liturgy of the Hours suddenly Music best seller shows a deep hunger.

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