3 years ago


A Snippet of a coaching session with some important Spiritual Teachings about our inner body

Did you know our inner body is alive? We always talk about getting older, ageing and slowing down, but inside our body, it continues to work at rapid speeds to keep us going.

Our heart continues to pump at similar speeds, give or take a few pumps here or there. Our cells, our blood, our water, dart through the body at hurtling speeds. It is alive and it is a miracle!

Did you know that we are also the commander of our entire body? With the right attention, we can feel every part of it.

Where our attention goes our energy flows.

We can control our breathing consciously and sub consciously, and did you know we can do this as well with most of our inner body?

First we give it attention, we feel that energy.
At that point give it a command, an instruction, a request.
We can give it love, appreciation and recognition. Our body will always respond

If we understood how our body actually worked, and how it will always compensates to make perform at optimal. We would be treating our body with so much more respect.

We would feed it good thoughts, feed it good fuel, and give it love and rest.

We would be at optimal

We are all healers and that starts with our inner body. If we know what we want, then take the time to notice our body

What you put out comes back….

So our body will notice us back

Become the commander

If you would like to book in for spiritual teachings or a coaching session, please drop me a message

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