Culture Shock "Day by Day" from Where is the Shame

3 years ago

Culture Shock was a melodic metal band in Austin, Texas from 1989 - 1992.

David Pearson - vox
BZ Lewis - Guitar
Mike Fuger - Guitar
Billy Cain - Bass, vox, marketing (and dude that made this)
Jared Thurman - Drums, vox
Bruce Barnett - Sound, Magic Power
Steve Powers - Lighting, Visual Storytelling
Tres Ogden - Spot, Forty-two, come on

Culture Shock frequently played in Austin at The Backroom and Steamboat (both defunct), and they also played in Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas.

In 1990, they won a "Battle of the Bands" at Cheatham Street Warehouse, with judges from the local music industry, including one of the leaders of 93.7 KLBJ, the main hard rock/AOR station in Austin.

Their music was available at Waterloo Records, Austin's premiere "record store" at the time. KLBJ featured them on their "Local Licks" program, as well as performed live interviews.

Austin Community College had a live, cable "call-in" program they would frequent, CapZeyeZ, run by Dave Prewitt, who is responsible for video capturing many of the bands that played locally. He used a 3-camera shoot and edited on the fly. You can also see footage of Culture Shock from some of their live shows with Dave on CapZeyeZ.

Footage for this video was shot live at The Backroom, Backstage, and other locations, by Manny Galvan, Dave Prewitt, our friends, and others (send me your information!).

Culture Shock released three demos ("EPs"): Culture Shock, Dream Child, and Where Is The Shame.

The artwork on their first was done by R. Zane Rutledge, who was drawing a logo on a whiteboard when the band saw it and decided that was the one. This logo is featured on their first EP and was on the kick drums, thanks to Steve Powers, as he worked at a sign shop and created them himself.
Steve went on with us and re-designed the logo to be more visible to the audience, based upon the design by Zane. The first Culture Shock T-Shirts had Zane's design and the next featured Steve's.

The original logo is at the end of the video, and if you look carefully, you'll see BOTH logos throughout this video. See if you can find them!

Steve also did the design and art on their second and third EPs, and MANY MANY show promo flyers. They're cool as hell. Do you have one?

The tragedy of the band was when Mike decided to join the Air Force. The remaining members asked Dave to leave and after a short while, they realized they were burned out and decided to call it quits and "take a break," which became permanent.

Culture Shock continues in our memories.

We hope you enjoy the video.

If you like this, please visit our Facebook page. Many pictures and flyers are there for your enjoyment!

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