Minnesota Mortgage scam whistleblower Tom Kibler comes on the Sept. 28, 2021 Cancel The Cabal Show

3 years ago

Tom has four decades in financial services- commercial insurance and securities, then back for an MBA and off to mortgages. With Gmac-Rfc, Wells Fargo, wmc, Novastar etc… figured out late, damn near the whole financial system since Clinton repealed glass steagall has been a scam, theatre, illusion. Bush set us up further ( bowling pins). Obama knocked-em down… trump did nada to help- ice cream cone Joe is clueless. We are poker chips and acceptable collateral damage. Home theft is incredibly lucrative- and easy when you own the fox guarding the henhouse…Time for us all to stop being brainwashed sheep believing we owe a legitimate debt- if that’s so, it should very easy to prove with cancelled checks, wire confirms and accounting ledgers… when they instead forge docs, record them in the land records, make false claims about fictitious obligations via mail fraud, wire fraud, counterfeiting, barratry etc. it’s not remotely civil- it’s criminal- when our public servants whose primary job is to protect our rights and property, fail to do so- they violate their oaths, shirk their duties and become complicit- accessories to crimes. This includes police, sheriffs, judges, DA’s/county attorneys, AG’s, county mangers, county commissioners, senators and congressional Reps, mayors, governors etc. It ain’t over till the corpulent dame croons- RECAPTION via tort claims, deprivation of rights under color of law suits/claims etc. are there for us- insurance and bond claims too- and when those men or women act outside their official duties- they do do sans immunity- subject to civil and criminal liability…to be continued:)

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