Learn to Use a Mantra to Bring Inner Peace to Oneself

3 years ago

Thoughts to Consider - Mantra

Do you have a mantra, a word or phrase that helps ground you when you feel life is out of control?

Many people use a mantra in their daily meditation. A mantra is a phrase or word that is repeated over and over to help bring clarity to the mind.

A mantra is a way for you to connect your conscious mind to your subconscious mind. The words you repeat remind you to do something, be something, and/or not be or do anything.

Your mantra should be personal to you and encourage personal growth, relaxation, peace of mind, and unity within.

This inner peace connects the body, soul, and spirit to each other as it resides in your being. It can also help you connect to the body, soul, and spirit to others.

Your mantra can be one you makeup. It can be something like, "I am", or "Goodness lives inside me", or "Great is God."

A mantra can be given to you by your spiritual teacher, your parents, a life experience, a sentence you read in a book, a coach, or a Guru.

In my daily meditation, I repeat certain words to bring my attention back to the present moment. "This Moment is Meditation" or "Every Moment is Meditation." This is my personal mantra.

When I was younger, my parents gave me a phrase in Hindi to repeat. From time to time I repeat these words.

For many years did not know what I was saying. I would just repeat the words blindly. Recently I asked my mom what the words meant.

Too often it is easy to let the mind wander and focus on something other than what we need to. The past is forever gone and future events have not taken place.

I use my powerful mantra to focus, stay in the present moment, and remember that the past and future have no influence on me.

I continue to work on being and staying in the present moment. We must all live in the here and now. Honestly, there is no other moment but now.

What words or statements do you use to guide a clear direction on your journey? Billions of people around the world repeat the name of God.

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