The BiG Red One [1] That was easy as 123 -PUSH BUTTON

3 years ago

The BiG Red One [1] That was easy as 123 -PUSH BUTTON

Back channels are important. They is the they-they. And what they fear most is ewe knowing the truth on the operations deck of the death blossom they build.

Digital Warriors boarded the ship and we are populating while they think we did not see the MOAB coming that makes concrete chunks of the GS and all Stones! WHO not what.

We Are Standing in the best of times. The hope is that as people know the take their respective roles and do the part that is meant to be owned by good. This is war and it's standing room only.

Pray, don't prey!

The DS does not want ewe at the well ohr to see the nuclear threats they maid when the cow kicked the bucket and started fires in the 4th city ohr the mirror reflections of true reality.

Now is the time to begin an adventure you waited for all your live. You were plugged in and the facts that matter need your full attention. Lurking is over.

This is war.
The Death Blossom has been boarded and Red October is not a month. It's a ship/sub underwater. The hatch is now blown, the clean up crews that were herded and thought by DS to retire have all been called out to Y9 for coffee. Get to Momma's for Cake and Coffee. Molly is on board. Texas is a border state. Trust Kansas. People Know. What more do you need? We have it all. 1 Ping. Need a map to see in the dark? Bee the light. Luke 1-78, Mom knew! R.I.P. 12-18-2019 ~ "She never saw her president impeached." = Take no pain killer. [Youth in ASIA did] Scott FREE~ USA !!!% -=- Define All.

learnourcoms, deathblossom, dbtraining, mm, MollyBrown, TipOfTheIcedBerg, whatnotwho, wwgthereyouare, scottfree, winwin, knowyourneighbor, willyoubemine, coalforfields, wehavegonepostal, htct, wtctcw, blueheron, swamprats, parasites, nanobots, nothing, ntsee, not here, look over there, nothing to see here, msm it will vanish, watch, keystone, we are, odd news, daily digs, discord, #mollymarkers

Gunstock 2021 -For The Republic -They Were Removed -The Old Guard

No one likes being used as #bait to catch a cop killer. But if that's what it took to get the job done, I was #unknowingly in and am happy to serve, [American Cop], #ThinBlueLine, USA, American Cop, Fight Like A Flynn, Put it in the Clean Dirt, LA, CLA, We Are, We Stand, They Were Removed, Once And For All, Define All, USA, New Nation, !!!%, P312

No one likes being used as bait to catch a cop killer. But if that's what it took to get the job done, I was unknowingly in and happy to serve. [American Cop] #ThinBlueLine USA #HappyBoy #ThereYouAre

Music by Clint Black [Not Used but Available in Chat] He Knew!
Thank you SunnySide! USA !!!%

#Q: Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?
A: To get to the other side!

Q: Why sell a drug store chain?
A: To convert fiats!

#Q: Why Sell The TP Out? #NotAboutRace
#A: 1968 was a daily formula 1 of/for failure.
Change #Daily? #NixionKnew #PitStop

Gunstock 2021 & 2022 #itscoming.

What they fear most? #peopleknow #deathblossom #itscoming

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