How do Realizations Wake us up to the Life we want to Live?

3 years ago

Thoughts to Consider - Realizations

It is time you and I wake up to all the realizations of life! What we know is true in our hearts may actually be and what is happening may not be real.

Do you not believe that there must be something better in life than what you currently have?

No disrespect if you are living the life you want, but most people who read this are not. I believe in our hearts we know we want more than what we have.

It does not have to be material goods but I know many of us are yearning for real human connections.

Have you woken up yet to realize you have goals, dreams, and aspirations that you have not achieved yet?

Each day I spend 20-45 minutes in meditation. My goal is to gather my thoughts to focus on what is important to me, right now.

I believe when we take a few minutes to meditate it can change the outlook we have towards life. It helps us look at things very differently and from a different vantage point.

Meditation allows you to have realizations that you previously did not have or could not see because of the endless mind chatter.

When you bring your attention to the breath, you bring yourself to the present moment. For a few moments, you spend that time being in the now. The ultimate goal is to live life in the present moment.

When you are completely present you begin to have insights you have not had before. Or better said you focus on insights you have been ignoring.

It is only in the present moment you can find your awakening moments. You will start to see what is missing in your life.

You can reflect on the past to find ways to change your future with actions but only in the now will you become aware of the changes that need to occur.

Any action that you do not take for the future can leave your life in a state of peril. It causes you to move away from the goals and dreams you have. You will continue to work hard for things that are not important to you.

I feel we need to take time and understand our past. Know that you and I are not our past. Our past is only made up of memories and how we interpret those memories.

Our future is not different, we sit and plan for what we want our future to look like. Again as we strive for that perfect future, the future is happening in the present moment in an instant becoming the past.

When we focus on the things we deem important it gives us the realization of new possibilities in life.

Only new ways of thinking will allow you to solve old problems. Your new way of thinking will cause you to look at people in a new way. Hopeful your realizations will help you not judge others.

You will look to achieve the result you want rather than get the results you do not want. This is the moment you realize change is possible.

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