Have an Open Heart, Mind, Body and Soul. Learn to Love

3 years ago

Thoughts to Consider - Open Heart

Do you have an open heart for the people you come in contact with? If so why and if not, why not?

Have you ever wondered why you do or do not have an open heart for others?

Starting today will you allow yourself to love everyone regardless of their faults, mishaps, or imperfections?

If you do, you live life much differently and enjoy it from a different space within yourself. When you have an open heart, mind, and soul for others, you live life with inner peace.

Do you show love, kindness, and compassion for others or are you too busy living life for yourself? Are you busy being a soldier of one who is winning and losing lives battles alone?

I think many of us want to help others but with the busyness of every day, it can be hard to focus on others. Too many times it is hard to focus on our own obligations.

When you see strangers, do you smile at them? Does your smile invite them to you or are you repelling to them because of the frown on your face?

Do you walk around in your own world doing what you need to because you forget to connect with others? Did you know that half the world is waiting for the other half to say, HI first?

Start today by saying Hi to everyone.

You can open your heart instantly by thinking differently than you do. Thinking differently allows you to take different actions and ultimately get different results.

Taking different actions means you can have the life you desire. A new life perhaps which is better than the one you are living right now.

If you choose not to have an open heart, which is your right to do so, how will the world ever change? How can we really bring about peace and equality?

The world and the people in it will remain the same because you and I are not willing to change our habits. Our habits change our actions which get us different results.

Take some time and think about that! When you are ready, open yourself up to others. Watch the world around you change for the better because you become aware of what others need.

You will also see what you have been missing all this time.

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