FAQ 17 (396) Is it True That the Emperor Constantine Created Christianity? (2021-09-29)

3 years ago

FAQ 17 (396) Is it True That the Emperor Constantine Created Christianity? (2021-09-29)
Website article: www.nccg.org/FAQ396-Constantine.html
Duration: 21 minutes
Ultra-Messianics: www.nccg.org/mlt/sermons/3_184.html
The Babylonian Circus: www.nccg.org/560ArtBabCircus.html
Naming the Remnanteers: www.nccg.org/lev20190815.html
Council of Nicea: www.nccg.org/281Art-Nicea.html
Apostles' Creed: www.nccg.org/01BC-ApostlesCreed.html
Eternal Punishment: www.nccg.org/hell.html
Earliest Creeds: www.nccg.org/us01.html
Vincit Veritas: www.nccg.org/critics.html

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