Tartaria - Joshua Shapiro interviewed on High Road to Humanity - July 2021

3 years ago

Tartaria is becoming a hot topic these days - Joshua Shapiro, known as a crystal skull and paranormal explorer (www.cse.crystalskullexplorers.com) talks with Nancy Yearout of the show, "High Road to Humanity" about this great civilization that existed in our world only about 200 years ago and mysteriously disappeared (or some say our world went through a reset).

During this interview, Joshua shares a digital slide presentation to discuss various aspects of Tartaria with Nancy (who also studied this subject, adding her own insights). The Tartaria free e-book which Joshua has been offering (many people who saw his interview of Gene Decode Sept. 8th, 2021 --where they both talked briefly about Tartaria) has been in great demand (see below how to get your copy).

In essence, the main part of Tartaria existed in modern day Russian but their magnificent and advance buildings existed all over the Earth of which many of them were used to enable their Free Energy System. Since the early 1800's, when the Tartarians disappeared (via a mud flood or global catastrophe) till recent times, via fires, wars and earthquakes, to remove evidence of their existence (as they are not discussed in any modern histories), their buildings have been systematic destroyed (in the slide presentation you will see example of them which are now our cathedrals, synagogues, government buildings, etc ...).

This interview is a good overview and introduction to the story of Tartaria.

Information on Nancy Yearout and High Road to Humanity
(you may want to go to her website, as she has been doing amazing amazing interviews for her show almost weekly - Joshua has been on like four times within the past year ...)

Nancy's website: www.NancyYearout .Com
(to book a psychic empath reading.)

Listen to the Podcasts of the show: www.HighRoadtoHumanity.com
(NancyYearout’s High Road to Humanity show can be found on YouTube and Bitchute)

To contact Joshua, his email is: crystalskullexplorers.com
website: www.cse.crystalskullexplorers.com

To get Joshua's free e-book on Tartaria:
send an email to: crystalskullexplorers@gmail.com
subject: Tartaria Ho - the Nancy Show

to get 3 of the other free e-books, Joshua offers, go to:

To view the latest interview with Gene Decode (Sept. 2021):


Crystal Skull Explorers Rumble Channel (with Joshua):

See our 3 part Crystal Skull Documentary 2007
(the real story about the crystal skulls - not what you saw in Indiana Jones -- start with part I):


thank you everyone and hope this interview provides some amazing insights into Tartaria!

Peace and Light always - to the future Golden Age by 2040

-- Joshua, a crystal skull and paranormal explorer

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