Commentary on The Book Of Galatians. CH 3. The Righteous Shall Live By Faith.

3 years ago
57 Pastor Rick Kabrick Tuesday, September 28, 2021 Commentary on The Book Of Galatians. CH 3. The Righteous Shall Live By Faith.
Truth In Scripture Pastor Rick Kabrick Tuesday, September 28, 2021Commentary on The Book Of Galatians. CH 3.
The law was a tutor which is now no longer necessary. You become sons of GOD through faith in Yeshua. As believers we are all one in Yeshua, and thus heirs to the promise made to Abraham.
Then a group of false teachers known as the Judaizers showed up. These men from Jerusalem agreed that it was necessary to believe in Yeshua, yes, but they also claimed that, in order for non-Jewish people to truly be included in the family of GOD, the men must be circumcised and all must follow the law of Moses.
Paul’s method is of questioning should lead them into an obvious conclusion. Flesh means that the righteousness is through justification by the fulfilment of the Mosaic Law.
Did the Spirit come from GOD as a result of your hearing the truth by faith or did it happen by you doing works of the law?
Paul used Abraham as an example of being right before GOD by faith and not by faith plus works.
Since none of us can be good enough to accomplish perfect righteousness through the Law, we must have GOD’s righteousness accounted to us by doing just what Abram did: Abraham believed GOD.
No one can say Abraham was made righteous because of his obedience or fulfillment of law of Moses or any ritual thereof. It was faith and faith alone that caused GOD to account Abraham as righteous.
It wasn’t that Abraham simply believed in GOD, no, instead, it was that Abraham believed GOD. Those who only believe in GOD, in the sense that they believe HE exists, well, their belief is nothing more than the demons of JAM 2:19.
Paul quotes the Scriptures. Perhaps the Galatians will be persuaded from the same parts of GOD's Word the Judaizers are distorting to mislead them. Paul shows that the Scriptures have always pointed to GOD's blessing coming by faith and a curse from GOD coming through the Law.
However, sometimes the Law of the LORD means the Law of Moses. And sometimes it means GOD’s Word in a sense of Scripture.PSA 119:97, Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day, The Psalmist clearly means all of GOD’s Word. The Scriptures.
He simply meant that GOD never intended the law to be the way we find our approval before HIM. GOD knew we could never keep the law, and so GOD instituted the system of atoning sacrifice along with the law.
DEU27:26, Cursed is he who does not confirm the words of this law by doing them.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
Some even today might use the argument that I’ll do the best I can under the law and GOD will look at my performance, my effort, and my good intentions and credit that to me as righteousness. Especially a Jew who says I am of Abraham.
We know that others cursed Yeshua as HE hung on the Cross; but that compares nothing to how HE was cursed by GOD the Father in our place. Christ is personally innocent. HE did not deserve to be hanged for any crime of HIS own doing. HE did not become a sinner because of our sin. HE took our sin.
Now all who come to Christ by faith are entitled to share in that inheritance, including Gentiles. That legal transaction gives believers a permanent standing as GOD's children, whether Jewish, Greek, slave, free, male, or female. All are one in Christ, since all are equal heirs to the inheritance GOD promised to Abraham.
In GEN 22:18, GOD promised Abraham that through his seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed. How will this happen? Well, the offspring of Abraham will lead through Isaac to Jacob and down through history to Yeshua HIMself. All the peoples of the earth have the opportunity to be saved from sin and included in GOD's family through faith in Yeshua.
Is the Law then against the promises of GOD? Certainly not! The law is not something evil, opposing GOD’s promise. The Law actually shows how evil man is and his need for a redeemer.
If the law could have given life, then it could have brought righteousness. But the Law of Moses brings no such life; it simply states the command, tells us to keep it, and tells us the consequences if we don’t.
But if you can’t stop sinning, and you are living under the law, you are thus imprisoned by the law.
Tutor is παιδαγωγός paidagōgos refers to a it was a tutor, a guardian and guide of boys. The Greeks and the Romans had these trustworthy slaves who supervised the life and morals of boys belonging to rich or upper class.
Compared to what was being taught among the Galatians, this was a revolutionary statement. In traditional Jewish thinking (carried into Christianity by Jewish Christians), your standing before GOD was measured by your obedience to the law.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female;

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