Be Brave Seek The Truth

3 years ago

Below are the links I said I'd put up here. The primary subject is the vaccine issues that are not being reported correctly. The entire covid data set is rife with politicization. The way cases were reported and now with the way negative reactions to the vaccines are being reported. There is also a link to the movie regarding the deep rig of the election and as horrifying as it is, it's a good idea to take an honest look at where we are. We have a commander in chief who obviously doesn't belong there and how he got there is as questionable as every decision he makes.

Here is the video to the article about military flight crews and vaccinations. It is an affidavit for a temporary injunction regarding mandatory vaccinations.

What I find only slightly amusing is that General Milley who said his oath was to support the constitution is typically silent.

This is the link to the free movie done by Patrick Byrne. Regarding the election and how it was stolen. You can't fix a problem unless you fully understand it. Don't expect the media to answer any questions. They need to be gone.

Here is the book regarding the election at Amazon.

Project Veritas links re vaccine under reporting and safety regarding vaccines.

What I put up here is just the tip of the iceberg.

Here's Joe Rogan's take on the whole mess.

Skynews AU does an expose on the covid virus origins.

Former VP from Pfizer speaks out.

A voice from the past.

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