The Shape of Time

3 years ago

The Beginning of Quantum Field Theory, Blazed by the likes of Sommerfeld, Tesla, Heisenberg, Ramanujan, Stuckelberg, Marcel Duchamp, H.S.M. Coxeter, and formerly, Sophus Lie, Wilhelm Killing, Élie Joseph Cartan, Poincare (The Last Universalist), and Emily Noether, (noted for her contributions to Noether's Theorem), and on backwards through Euler, LaGrange, Rowan Hamilton, and Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi.

B.C. / A.D. There is no Space Left Except Counterspace - Which is a Positronic Field that Conveys Energy, by Only Going Backwards in Time! The three degrees of spin freedom for the dual quaternic resonate by pulse chirping at the Fabionacci Series of the Golden Mean and is a biquadratic operation of quaternions (between two conducting quaternic crystals). The quaternic crystal may be replaced by an LRC network of frequency-dependent memory storage circuits. Therefore two opposite networks are separated by temporal realities in non-dimensional spacetime, but with their own memory signatures! The resultant repulsion of pole and antipole are treated as a specific velocity of frequency or phase propagation and direction of vibration of the entire particle (timeline) between two repulsive nodes in space - one white noised out, and the other completely digitized.

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