Astrotheology Part 7, the science of 'As above so below', 'Know thyself'

3 years ago

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In 'The Key', Santos explains how Solar science, otherwise known as 'The Holy Science' (Profound Knowledge Of the Solar System) is the basis and origin for all of our Myths, Legends, Fairy Tales, Nursery Rhymes, Bibles, Folk Lore, Holy books etc. The Bible is Pure Science, heavily veiled in Allegory and the language of Symbolism, by a very enlightened, wise and ancient Preisthood. Deliberately done to keep the higher truths from the masses. For they knew that only people who are looking for truth and ready to live by it are worthy of it! Hence the teaching, 'do not throw pearls before swine'.
When the bible is read as it was intended to be read, as celestial (Stellar, Solar, Lunar and Planetary) poems and allegories based on archetypal universal symbols of deep esoteric truths, then and only then can it be explained, without the need for Interpretation. The Bible is not a book written by God, but a book written about / of God. This scientific understanding aims at restoring the Bible to it's original Glory and reviving it's practical usefulness to mankind.
The Key explains many unanswered questions and solves many perplexing discrepancies and paradoxes of the Bible and life in general. The Solar science (The Macrocosm / The Heavens) also has it's counterpart on Earth (The Microcosm) the Human body.

Go to the link below for Astrotheology Part 8

Santos Bonacci

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