Episode 61: Mitchell Gerber

3 years ago

Victory! The scourge known as Covid-19 has been tamed by the Pulitzer Prize-winning drug, Ivermectin. The Indian State of Uttar Pradesh has all but eliminated any trace of the virus as the neighboring State of Kerala has seen cases skyrocket after doubling down on the 'vaccine'. Meanwhile, in New Zealand, police are arresting people for smuggling KFC. Authorities in Australia are taking full advantage of their disarmed population to roll out draconian lock-down measures with an iron fist. Fuel shortages in the UK echo the increasingly evident global crisis of supply-chain breakdown due to labor shortages. Late-night TV hosts roast General Michael Flynn after he claims they are putting vaccines in foods; it turns out he was right. FDA employee advocates for Nazi-style roundups of the unvaccinated. And black market baby trafficking ring is exposed in China.

We are then joined by Mitchell Gerber, who has been investigating another horrifying atrocity of the CCP; organ harvesting from political prisoners. Mitchell has spent more than two decades researching and exposing the Chinese Communist Party from his current home in Vietnam, just 100 miles from the Chinese border. We'll discuss who's behind it, who they are targeting, how they are carrying out their plans, and how these same people are also behind the biological weapons attack on the Western world. We also dive into the CCP's infiltration of Western governments, the assassination attempt on President Trump, and much more. This is an episode you do not want to miss!

Episode Notes

Mitchell Nicholas Gerber


Additional Interviews:

Steve Bannon's War Room - https://rumble.com/vkm0ma-ccp-enforced-live-organ-harvest-w-dr.-peter-navarro-mitchell-nicholas-gerbe.html

National File With Stew Peters - https://nationalfile.com/investigative-journalist-exposes-reported-us-government-ties-to-ccp-organ-harvesting-death-camps/

Infowars With Alex Jones - https://rumble.com/vblfs5-dems-back-chinas-ai-organ-harvesting-death-camps.html

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News Stories:

India Wins War Against Covid and Globalists - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/huge-uttar-pradesh-india-announces-state-covid-19-free-proving-effectiveness-deworming-drug-ivermectin/

New Zealand Cops Bust KFC Smuggling Ring - https://www.thedailybeast.com/new-zealand-cops-arrest-men-entering-locked-down-city-with-large-amounts-of-illicit-kfc

Aussie Police Pummel Non-Violent Protesters - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/remember-health-australias-covid-gestapo-grabbing-people-seemingly-random-beating-submission-hauling-away-outside-homes-video/

Global Labor Shortage Due to Jab Impacts UK Fuel Supply - https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/behave-normally-uk-transport-minister-tells-britons-queuing-fuel-2021-09-26/

General Michael Flynn Sounds Alarm Over Vaccine-Laced Food - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq_SFYzT1Qk

Late-Night Hosts Roast Flynn - https://theweek.com/stephen-colbert/1005296/late-night-hosts-mock-some-of-the-loopier-vaccine-misinformation-trumps

Flynn Vindicated by Scientific Article - https://www.studyfinds.org/vaccines-salad-growing-plants/

Project Veritas Exposes FDA Employee's Nazi-Style Plan - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/just-part-ii-project-veritas-bombshell-covid-vaccine-recordings-fda-employee-feds-need-create-nazi-germany-style-registry-unvaccinated-americans-go-door-door-stab-eve/

Black Market Baby Ring in China Exposed - https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_breakingnews/parent-in-china-sells-newborn-baby-in-black-market-child-trafficking-organization-exposed_3983679.html?utm_source=newsnoe&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2021-09-06-2&mktids=0424f3ab54ddf84838aff37240733c26&est=eSSCv7gPmmnwR6dGEQKxNiuh9dLyoFtHZX146JMgCtq5Bqlkfjgp61ZcsRc%3D

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