The Weekly Energy Foresight for September 27-30, 2021

3 years ago

🔮 September 27-30, 2021

🗡 Ace Of Swords

THIS is truly an auspicious card!
Even though it is part of that earlier sword gang, THIS card is letting you know that you have triumphed over those challenges from earlier this month!
This is a big win!
You have proven your strength and courage more than once in September! This is your sign that Success Is Yours!

🧙‍♂️ Mid-Week ~ 27-30
Energy Healing - Merlin

🎉 Observances:
27 - Queens Birthday: AUS
- Sukkot 7/7 / Hoshanah Rabah
- National Family Day
- Mercury Retrograde Until October 17th
28 - Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah
- National Good Neighbor Day
- National Voter Registration Day
- Last Quarter Moon
29 - VFW Day
- World Heart Day
- National Coffee Day
30 - National Love People Day
- International Podcast Day

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