The Great Deception in America! - USA has 2 Constitutions

3 years ago

(Act of 1871) is when USA was changed into a Corporation with a second Constitution. Our first USA constitution is the correct one.
Credits to the following Speaker: Jordan Maxwell - Video made by Amplex Great Deception in America! -220,871 views Feb 7, 2018 - Amplex YouTube Link;

Fluoride eats through concrete & steel but it's safe to swallow says the "Government Paid Scientist experts"

How do freemason controlled puppet governments? - They compartmentalize everything so the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing... GOVT'S Divide everyone and everything so we the people fight each other and not the real hidden Bankers, Freemason, Fake Jesuits, The Vatican, Other fake religions controlled by Freemason Councils with Section 501 (c) (3) is the portion of the US Internal Revenue Code that allows for federal tax exemption of nonprofit organizations... And government kickbacks.

Don't go to any church or organization that signs their soul away with Govt Section 501 (c) (3) that allows for federal tax exemption - Government also give kick back under the table.

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