When will the Chip Shortage Be Over?

3 years ago

Earl and Stu discuss the current microchip shortage and how it is impacting new car sales, and estimate when new cars will return to normal availability levels. To be notified of new videos we post from the show, go to www.youtube.com/EarlonCars and click on the Subscribe button.

Watch us on Facebook and YouTube Live every Saturday from 8am to 10am eastern time. Go to www.facebook.com/EarlonCars or on this YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/earloncars to watch the broadcast.

If you would like to remain anonymous and send Earl a text question, go to www.youranonymousfeedback.com.You can also send a text to Earl and his expert team during the live show at (772) 497-6530.

You can listen to Earl and his team live every Saturday Morning from 8am to 10am eastern time, on the True Oldies Channel 95.9 FM & 106.9 FM ( (online STREAMEARLONCARS.COM). If you missed the show you can listen to the Earl Stewart on Cars podcast on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher Radio, Spotify Podcasts, or Google Podcasts. Just search for “Earl Stewart on Cars” and click on the SUBSCRIBE button.. Just search for “Earl Stewart on Cars” and click on the SUBSCRIBE button.

“Disclosure: Earl Stewart is a Toyota dealer and directly and indirectly competes with the subjects of the Mystery Shopping Reports. He honestly and accurately reports the experiences of the shoppers and does not influence their findings. As a matter of fact, based on the results of the many Mystery Shopping Reports he has conducted, there are more dealers on the Recommended Dealer List than on the Not Recommended List he maintains on www.GoodDealerBadDealerList.com

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