Open Letter To His Excellency.........

3 years ago

I have sent an open letter via registered post to His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley pointing out that Covid is treatable and asking him to do something about the gummint and it's pushing of lockdowns and vaxxes upon us.
I look forward to his response, hoping that it will be positive and productive for all of us.
This video is in the public domain. I hope that anyone who agrees with this content will share the link, download the whole thing and re-upload it everywhere.
If you don't agree with the content, could you at least attempt to be polite in the comments section?
Thanks to all,

The text of the letter:
Your Excellency, dear Sir,
My name is Ian Boggs. I am a semi retired mechanic currently travelling and working in rural Victoria. We have not met.
I refer you to an open letter written to you by Riccardo Bosi of Australia One dated Seventeenth September 2021. I trust you have read it carefully.
This letter is written entirely by me, independently, voluntarily and in support of Mr Bosi’s letter.
Mr. Bosi describes some of your and his common history as officers in The Royal Australian Army.
He further describes your career up to the honourable position you now hold.
He goes on to describe the decent people of this world and the weak and worse than useless tyrants who seek to control them, pointing out that you must know the quality of both.
He further writes, “You can’t but know that Australia has been under attack for decades from malevolent international forces. Our people and our institutions have been slowly crushed under the weight of treason and sedition and sadly, knowingly or not, you have played your part… and so have I… and so have many others”.
I must include myself in this; by not knowing and not saying and not doing anything against this subversion of all things decent, I have unknowingly been complicit in it. That is, until now.
Given that Your Excellency, Mr. Bosi, any number of military personnel, ex military personnel, lawyers and law makers know far more than I do regarding what is and is not sedition or treason, there is no need for me to comment on any of that.
However, as a sovereign citizen on the receiving end of lock down tyranny, (non) vaccine tyranny and soon to be (non) vaccine passport tyranny, I am more than qualified to add and feel obliged to add to what Mr Bosi has already described very well; ie, the lack of safety, lack of efficacy and lack of any need for these so called gene therapies we are currently being coerced to accept.
Freely available on the internet is a plethora of information regarding treatment of an alleged disease known as covid19 including but not limited to drugs such as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloriquin, various steroids, antibiotics, minerals such as zinc, vitamins C & D.
The above information can be found in ordinary news articles, documentary videos, peer reviewed cohort studies, peer reviewed meta data analysis of cohort studies, peer reviewed randomised controlled studies, and more, up to and including established protocols for the use of the above in combination for the prevention and treatment of covid19 along with peer reviewed studies to support said protocols.
Medical doctors, medical researchers and scientists can write and publish this information.
Other medical doctors, researchers and scientists can find this information and put it to good use.
Countless private citizen journalists can find this information and disseminate it for all who have eyes to see.
A computer semi literate, semi retired mechanic from the bush can find this information.
It therefore follows that Prime Ministers, Health Ministers, State Premiers, employees of mainstream media, assistants and employees of any of the above and, indeed, Governors General can also find this information, alert one another and in due course alert the Australian public.
It is simply not possible that the many thousands employed in the Australian Polity, Bureaucracy, Police, Military, Judiciary and media could be all of them uniformly oblivious to what is glaringly obvious to ordinary thinking people. That a conspiracy of deceit is in progress is no longer avoidable or deniable.
The questions for which I would like answers and which I feel every man, woman and child in Australia deserve answers are, “Who is and who is not complicit in this conspiracy?”, and, “Who will do something about it?”.
It seems to me, Your Excellency, that if you are not a part of it or do not wish to be, you might also be exactly the right man at exactly the right place to quickly and easily do something to effectively derail the whole plot.
Given that documented and demonstrably effective treatments for Covid19 do exist, it follows that all declared states of emergency are invalid, declared emergency powers of government and police are invalid, Lockdowns are invalid, mask mandates are invalid and “Emergency Use Authorisation” of anything including vaccines is invalid.
Any medical treatment (or in the case of toxic mRNA “Gene Therapies”, mistreatment) administered under coercion or duress is in violation of the Nuremberg Code to which Australia is a party and in violation of the bodily integrity of any individual so treated. Such treatment is both illegal and immoral. I do not wish to be treated this way. I do not wish you, your family or anyone else treated this way.
I therefore call upon you, Your Excellency, as Governor General of Australia to consider the possible actions available to you (as clearly outlined in Mr. Bosi’s letter) and take decisive action in the coming days that will change for better the circumstances and therefore the wellbeing of all who find themselves in this once fine country.
Over the span of your career, the citizens of Australia have pushed an enormous amount of money in your direction by way of education, training and remuneration. Only time and your deeds will tell if any or all of it was well spent. I should point out that time is short.
Yours Sincerely,
Ian Boggs
19 September 2021

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