Do You Have the “Right” Kind of Ego?

3 years ago

Do you have the right ego?

What does this even mean? So many books and meditation teachers tell us that having an ego is bad. They say you and I need to get rid of ourselves of the ego, so we can be free.

Have you ever thought to yourself, if I tell someone something they will be impressed? Maybe not in those words but the thought is an egoic thought.

You will leave a positive or negative impression on them and this will cause them to think about you and what you said or did.

Wanting to impress someone is your ego. This is one of the ways it looks for acknowledgment, belonging, or superiority over others.

Is your ego really trying to show off or is there something else going on when you talk to others?

Many believe the ego wants to be happy, right and in control at all times. Your subconscious mind does not see anything wrong in wanting to show and tell others how "lucky" you are.

When speak positive or negative, watch who your ego could be putting people down. You may not even notice that you are doing it. The funny thing is you could be coming from a good place but the other person's ego is taking it the wrong way.

The ego thrives on negativity! The more negative you are and play the victim in life, the ego will feed and grow until it is out of control.

We all work hard to get ahead, so why not tell others, show others, and enjoy the fruits of your labor with them?

Nothing wrong with wanting to celebrate your success. I believe before you do any of this, you should answer this question.

Why do "I" have the urge to impress others with my material goods?

If you dig deep enough you will find the root cause of your answer.

Ask yourself and answer this question right now. Then ask yourself why you feel this way and answer that question. Each time you answer the question you dig deeper into who you really are at the core of your being.

The deeper you go the better you begin to understand yourself and the role your ego plays.

I think the ego thinks it knows more than we do. So it wants to control everything. The ego is your subconscious thinking.

But I believe we know better than our ego. For this to be true we must live consciously. We have to be conscious and use the right ego when we interact with others.

When we do, we can change how we see our self and how we interact with others. When we begin to interact differently with everyone, where the ego is not present, we start to see a fundamental shift.

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