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Perseverance in the Face of Great Trial; New Info About the Cloud of Witnesses Pt. 1
Perseverance in the Face of Great Trial; New Info About the Cloud of Witnesses Pt. 1
Oh, my God! How wonderful and faithful You are. How present You are in every battle of our lives, Dear God.
Thank You, that we are more than conquerors in You and nothing--absolutely NOTHING--can frustrate your plans for us. Help us, dear God, to cleave to You with all our strength. Amen.
Well, dear Heartdwellers, I need to share with you all that's been going on. Ezekiel has been under serious attack physically, as well as having real physical issues. And incredible spiritual experiences. The enemy is trying his best to kill him, but God always intervenes. Oh boy, oh boy, are we learning!!!! That's the key word for this hour: learning.
Aside from seeing trafficked children delivered safely into the Lord's arms, in the spirit, we have also seen nuclear missiles being fired from N. Korea, and we've been praying against it. It is clear to me that the Deep State, headed by the future anti-Christ, has been pumping money and technology into N. Korea, so they could be used against us at an opportune time to destroy us.
But Jesus has other plans, and little, insignificant men cannot thwart them.
I want to tell you, immediately, that we have been given the Declaration of Encroachment--that is a new way to have the angels take the demons and witches out from our midst and stop their operations immediately. This is now a law in the Courts of Heaven, in the Tribunals of Heaven, that when we invoke: "In the Name of Jesus, I declare these actions against us to be encroachments against our rights on Earth and ask that the Holy Angels enforce this law, now, in this moment." When we invoke that, we have seen over and over again angels. Warrior angels - BIG ones - moving like greased lightning apprehending these demons and witches and dragging them off. Wow! It's been really amazing.
Basically, all you have to say is: "I invoke the Law of Encroachment. I call upon the Holy Angels to remove these evil creatures and to break this operation over me." Just a simple declaration. Even: "I invoke the Law of Encroachment." is enough to have results.
But back to our trials, which I am sure you can all relate to. And forgive me for not being more present to you during these. I've kind of had to get the Lord's perspective on things. I fell into self-pity for a while, and needed to deal with that. And thank be to God, He pulled me out of it. And I have to tell you, it's all of your prayers for me that are making a huge difference.
The Lord had given us specific instructions about not engaging the medical community in our difficulties for a certain time and period. So, when He switched gears and gave us a new directive in timing, it was difficult to discern. But the fruit has proven that He did indeed switch gears.
As a result, we have had two ambulance rides to the hospital in three days, lots of doctor's appointments and some new directions from the Lord as things get more intense. We've gone from one incident of extreme pain in a week to one a day!!! Sometimes two a day. It has been a real challenge for us, and for me, especially to keep my peace. Your prayers have helped so very much. Thank you so much!
Oh, dear ones, remain flexible in the spirit! Do not respond to fear, only to the Lord's directives. In this way, He will navigate you through Satan's traps. In the heat of all this difficulty, both Ezekiel and I have gotten rashes that we have had to treat--it seems like our cats brought us a little present. So, we are besieged with trials of pain, rashes, confusion, lack of sleep and so many more things I cannot even begin to explain.
The temptation to self-pity and despair really hit me hard about three or four days ago, and I bought into it right away. I started feeling resentment against the Lord for allowing all of these things. "WHY have You done this to us, Lord? Why is this so difficult? WHERE ARE YOU? Why don't You come when I call on You?" Oh, my gosh...what He's had to put up with from me!
When I recognized, what I was doing was crippling my faith with unbelief and trust in God--I renounced it. Oh, dear ones, don't let circumstances overwhelm you with self-pity! Rather, realize that there is a specific reason and purpose in what God is allowing and rise to the occasion.
Do you know the Deep State wants to set off tsunami's in the ocean near NYC and San Francisco? And they will use technology to terrorize and destroy America. The Lord is allowing Simon's crosses left and right everywhere - everywhere we turn to mitigate and soften these judgments against those cities. Sickness, frustration, confusion--all these things. They're being used as fast offerings. But if we partner with them and yield to their dark suggestions, we'll only make matters worse.
Fight the good fight, Heartdwellers!! Hang on to your callings, in spite of Satan's attempt to pry it from you. Hang on and declare that God has the victory. We must stand up to the challenges in faith and not fall into self-pity or defeatism.
I am sharing this with you, that it seems like Hell has descended upon us, so intense are the trials we face morning, noon, night and in the hours before dawn. And the enemy is constantly tempting us to Unbelief and Self-pity. But thanks be to God, He's given us the weapons in the Word of God, prayers for one another, to rise above this.
So, there is a reason for these things we're suffering right now, even though they're overwhelming at moments, and you don't know what to do except put one foot in front of the other. There IS a reason! Yes, there is--and it is not about punishment. It is about intercessory offerings.
So, when I was feeling too weary to go on, I begged the Lord, "Please speak to us." And one really sweet thing that He did, when I was on the way to the hospital following the ambulance. I saw Him sitting beside me, on my right, with His arm around me. He looked at me, and He said, "He's gonna be okay. Don't worry. It's gonna be alright." It was! And other doors for healing got opened, which was good.
So. Going back to what I was saying, the Lord finally did speak to me.
He began, "My dear ones, these are still perilous times that require great perseverance from you, even as I have spoken in My Word so very many times; exhortations that you should continually live your lives by.
"Everyone who competes in the games trains with strict discipline. They do it for a crown that is perishable, but we do it for a crown that is imperishable. Therefore, I do not run aimlessly; I do not fight like I am beating the air."
Wow - that's a good description of me...
"No, I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified." I Corinthians 9:25-27
Have you ever felt like you are beating against the air?? Ohh... wow. It doesn't get you very far, does it? But then, I finally woke up and realized, "This is a trial, a challenge. Something God has put in front of you, to help you overcome. Because you're going to be teaching it to others. Come on! Come on! Get with the program!! Forget the self-pity - get with the program!!"
And one of the Scriptures He quoted to me was in James, the first chapter:
"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." James 1:12
Then I opened my browser to look for a Scripture, and I opened to this rhema word: "Taking a journey into trust, look at the whole picture."
Wow! That puts me in a different place. You know, when you're in the heat of all these contradictions and difficulties, you just can't see beyond what's going on. Then, when you get with the Lord and you get quiet, and you see the whole vista open up - including the work in Heaven that has to be done. You don't want to get your eyes stuck on this little situation.
And then He reminded me:Â "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world's darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
"Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand."
And that's where I was faltering, dear ones. I was beginning to crumple up under all of these things. And I realized, you know, that's not what the Lord wants. He wants us to STAND.
And the Scripture goes on to say: "Stand firm then, with the belt of truth fastened around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness arrayed. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.
"Stand firm then, with the belt of truth fastened around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness arrayed, and with your feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace...." Ephesians 6:12-15
And, I want to add here, do not allow the intensity of the trials cause you to lay blame against your spouses or close circle of family. Rather, be humble and work with them. Do not take offense, for Satan will divide you, because your pride raises up and takes offense at unjust words or accusations spoken to you. No! Don't do that. That's his tactic of Division to isolate you and make you weak.
Recognize your closest ones are not the enemy; rather, Satan has targeted you to divide and destroy your family. Don't take the bait. Lay down with it, speak gently, avoid conflict, be loving and patient. In this way, you'll set the example and diffuse the situations that happen with all these pressures.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Eph. 6:10
Yep, we're weaklings. We're not going to be strong in ANY situation without the Lord.
Jesus continued, "Clare, I say these things especially to you, because I know you and Ezekiel are truly on the front lines, continuing to walk--even when riddled with arrows.
"This is the bravery I require of you, My People. There is a ferocious fight taking place in the heavenliness for the dominion of Earth, and those who do not know Me are falling like flies to the lies and traps of Satan. And are working against me when they should recognize Truth and work WITH Me.
"However, those of you who do are persevering under extraordinary trial--how proud I am of you!!! How glorious your reward in Heaven.
"In the midst of these flashes of lightening are coming rainbows and awakening buds, but the fight is still very ferocious. Rise up, My Warrior Brides, and bring to nothing the plans of the evil ones through the cry of your heart. Rise up and declare that I am Lord: Lord of the storm, Lord of your lives, Lord of all Creation--and you are each and every one a precious child from the heart of the Father. Relying on Him for everything. And you will win this battle.
"But you must man-up and declare that nothing shall separate you from My Love and My Grace, given freely to you to win this battle, because with My Love comes every other provision you need to succeed."
And it's interesting, because even in the heat of the battle, I missed one of my vocal lessons. And things have been so chaotic around me, trying to pray or practice my vocals - it was very, very difficult. But I did it anyway.
Hey! If I did it for 10 minutes, Bravo. Before it hit the fan again. If I did it for an hour and a half - Bravo. The point is: I did it. Even in the midst of chaos, I knew that I was covered to do this, and I persevered.
I'm not saying I won any great success moving forward. All I know is that I'm hanging on, that I'm working at it and I am NOT giving up! The enemy is not going to kill me. He's not gonna kill my husband. He is NOT going to steal my mission. It's not going to happen!
Because, you see, every time the enemy raises the fight and raises the stake and applies more pressure - the Lord sends out more angels. And raises the opposition and the protection. And in the meantime, you're watching all this going on - and you're learning! Learning the ways of the demons. You're learning the way of your own cowardice and laziness. You're learning all these things. And the devil is training you. He's training you in God's Kingdom and it's all gonna fall back on his head, because we're gonna pass it on to everyone else.
So, he's actually training us in overcoming obstacles. So, see it in the light of eternity. Don't see it in the light of the present moment.
The other Scripture that came to mind was Romans 8:Â "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: 'For Your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.' No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Romans 8:35-37
Jesus continued, "Many of you are still fighting against opposition, and yet the spark I have ignited in your hearts for your purpose in life, your mission, still is setting the fire within you to keep going and succeed. Even when the devils do their very best to dump on you, cold and acid-laden waters on your dreams, the spark once again ignites your calling in Me and burns away the acid of Unbelief.
"It shall not be this way forever, dear ones. The tide will turn. But in the meantime, you are learning the skills of warfare that you will give to those who must survive the great Tribulation. You are now receiving the words, visions, art, films and music that will live after you and sustain those who finally give their all to Me. Your examples will live on long after I take you from this veil of sorrows, and your fruit shall multiply exponentially while you are with Me in Heaven.
"How glorious will be the lights that surround and emanate from you in those times! How perfectly equipped you will be to disciple My children, who shall repopulate the whole Earth during the Millennium.
"Oh, keep your eyes on the prize, My dearly beloved ones; keep your eyes on the prize!! Keep your eyes also on Me, knowing that I am beside you and even at times holding you up off the ground as you walk through the phantom monsters of the enemy... unscathed."
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