How Money Works

3 years ago

Episode 1 with Sam Piercy and Adrian Spitters

In our first interactive discussion group we asked the questions, ‘what is money’ and ‘where does it come from’?

This lead our discussion to include some of the history of money, the corporate control of wealth in the world, how the Babylonian system works to enslave populations, and what we can do with money today. We had a brief discussion on the differences between maritime law and natural, common law. We briefly touched on the difference between federal regulation and credit unions and watched a short video on public banking as a solution to continued debt to the central banking system. We also introduced some concepts for buying land which we agreed would be explored further next week.

As our 1st group discussion, this Sovereign Wealth Insight is a bit longer than we anticipate going forward. Everyone agreed there was much to discuss so we have created a telegram group, and will provide guest input to address questions and issues as they come up.

Here’s the links to additional resources discussed and shown during the call:


Victoria Grant and Public Banking (12 year old explaining how money works):

Common Law Resource - link to follow

Who Runs the World video documentary on corporate ownership:

Sovereign Wealth Alliance Telegram Group:

Credit Unions vs Chartered Banks: The Librti Show Ep. 18 - How to Protect Your Money - Interview with Alan Brough:
How can we protect our hard-earned dollars? Join your hosts Norbert and Roman, for a timely interview with Alan Brough to discuss concerns about the stability of our bank accounts and how they could be leveraged to ensure compliance. In April of this past year, Alan facilitated presentations on what we can do to secure our money better, and, as the situation has evolved dramatically since then, he will be updating us and answering our current financial questions and concerns.

Powerful Interview with Boyd Anderson connecting so many dots that explains and reveals the corruption behind the made in Canada plan for the Great Reset:
Part 2- Boyd Anderson Talks Strange Numbers, CERN, and His Views About Sacrifice:
Under The Radar 537-555:

General Wesley Clark predicting the Pentagon going after 7 nations in 5 years :

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Disclaimer: The information presented is not intended as legal, financial, health, or nutritional advice. It is provided for informational purposes only. Sovereign Wealth Alliance and its hosts & guests do not accept responsibility for statements, views and opinions that are presented. You are responsible for doing your own due diligence and research or anything presented.

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