COVID = DIVOC = demon spirit of a dead person going into a living person

3 years ago

If you read in the Bible in Genesis when God had to kill all the humans and giants and sons of god and nephilum (spelling) because of the sin and perverse generation. These living souls had spirits and did not go to heaven, but have been the ghosts or spirits in this world whose entire goal is to possess a human body again. They cannot possess your saved or unsaved spirit, but can be a parasite and literally some have legions or thousands of parasitic demons. They also jump generation to family members. IE the Kennedy curse or homosexuality or alcoholism or mental illness or cancer etc. Jesus even said in the end times it will be like the generation of Noah. Perverse, hmmm, sinful hmmm but I personally think that these invisible fallen spirits that died during the flood roam the earth and are owned by Satan. You hear of greys and tans. Yes there are aliens but not from outer space. They are satanic in the 2nd heaven warring angels and our prayers and fasting but on earth all the crap we suffer is these evil demons and they have worked together to influence man as God influenzas his children Satan influences his weeds and it’s all in the Bible. They built the pyramids and stone structures they have now used Bill Gates and Satan gives rich evil children of his musical talents and even technology knowledge that they have been here for thousands of years. So today’s technology all of a sudden. Think of it, 100 years ago horse and buggy light bulb electricity and bombs and weapons of mass destruction and now death poison darts or jabs called vaccines. Yes it will go on to an economic crash and chaos with food shortages and lots of deaths and a jab with proof by a tattoo or micro chip implants for buying and selling. It’s happening. Gods grace allows repentance and gives you every chance to receive Jesus Christ.

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