APACT: 2021/09/22 - A Look Back In History At Covid 19 Madness

3 years ago

This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Eric (The Ambassador of Common Sense) and Dan (The Ambassador of Nonsense) discuss what transpired starting in 2020, and how Americans completely fell apart when the plandemic hit. Can we learn anything from it? WILL we learn anything from it? And are the vaccine mandates going to have the same kind of blind acceptance that the mask mandates had?

In current events, Joe Biden joins forces with UK and Australia against China in the Indo-Pacific region. France is angry. Australian brushfires are making CO2… but who cares? North Korea angry that America is angry. Ukraine and US to begin military exercises. Notre Dame is going to reopen in 2024. Rally is held to express anger over 1/6 arrests. Taliban making it difficult for women to learn and work. SpaceX lands Inspiration4. Taliban and ISIL fighting. US closes Mexican border. Paul Rusesabagina (made famous by the movie Hotel Rwanda) is charged with terrorism. Michigan governor wants electric roads. Bishop Douglas Crosby of Canada bans non-vaccinated Catholics from sacraments.

In the Land of Nonsense, Indiana's bureaucratic driving laws are unbearable for Dan's son. Anti-vaccine talk in California is set to music. House in Boston sells for $125,000 per foot. Teacher in Boston takes stripper bus to field trip.

Saint of the week: Saint Abraham of Kiduna

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