Biased jury await the defendant - One man Opera - Trial by Jury

3 years ago

One man sings 'Hark, the hour of ten is sounding' from Gilbert and Sullivan's Opera 'Trial by Jury'.


Hark, the hour of ten is sounding;
Hearts with anxious fears are bounding,
Hall of Justice crowds surrounding,
Breathing hope and fear –
For to-day in this arena,
Summoned by a stern subpœna,
Edwin, sued by Angelina,
Shortly will appear.

Now, Jurymen, hear my advice –
All kinds of vulgar prejudice
I pray you set aside:
With stern judicial frame of mind
From bias free of every kind,
This trial must be tried.
‘Silence in Court!’

From bias free of every kind,
This trial must be tried.

Oh, listen to the plaintiff’s case:
Observe the features of her face –
The broken-hearted bride.
Condole with her distress of mind:
From bias free of every kind,
This trial must be tried!
‘Silence in Court!’

From bias free, of every kind,
This trial must be tried!

And when amid the plaintiff’s shrieks,
The ruffianly defendant speaks –
Upon the other side;
What he may say you needn’t mind –
From bias free of every kind,
This trial must be tried!
‘Silence in Court!’

From bias free, of every kind,
This trial must be tried!

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